Frequently Asked Questions

If you're thinking about opening your own 1 Percent Lists franchise then you probably have a lot of questions, as well you should. Here, we have answered many of the most common questions we get asked. The videos below are some of our most successful franchise owners.

frequent questions

Why wouldn’t I just start my own business doing this?

There are thousands of brokerages across the country doing what we do and yet every day more of them join us to get access to tools, technology, training, and cost savings that they simply can't do as a small company. Also, A franchise is a sellable asset. A business tied to a national brand with a track record of success is easier to value and sell than an independent brokerage.

We are full service video

Are you a full service brokerage?

Absolutely, we do not offer a limited service option through our franchises.

Can I do commercial business?

Absolutely, as long as you have the knowledge you can do any type of real estate business you like through us.

How long have you been in business?

The company was founded in late 2015, opened its doors in 2016 and began franchising in late 2020.

What states can we franchise in?

We are currently able to sell franchises in all states except New York and we are working towards opening those in late 2024. If you reside in New York or are interested in a New York franchise please check back often. Your state should be available soon.

Do we offer exclusive territories?

Generally speaking we do not but it would be something we consider on a case by case basis depending on your level of production.

What is the price?

$15,000 to open an office, turn key with all tools, tech, and training included. No added fees. Most of our franchises spend between one to two thousand dollars on various local fees (creating an LLC, secretary of state, etc) but there are no other fees from us to open.

What is the royalty?

Our royalty is 6% but we have offered as low as 5% to encourage new growth check with us.

Why would I pay you a royalty?

Having free graphic design services, website, website hosting, training, and so  many other things will make you incredibly more successful. If you make an extra 5 cents or spend 5 cents less per dollar it's easily worth it not even considering all the other perks of being a part of a larger brand.

Royalty Fees V1 480p

Need More Info?

Are your franchises profitable?

That depends on you! Virtually every franchise owner has seen their real estate business grow but for many their goal is to recruit and grow an office. Will you do that? We will train you to do it and have the tools to do it but at the end of the day you will own it and it will be what you make of it.

Are there any other fees?

There are no other fees, no monthly fees, no minimum fees.

What is expected of me?

Be a good person and steward of the brand. Our company is diverse and spans the entire United States. Be a person who leads an office that would make your fellow 1%’ers proud.

Expectations video

What we do for you?

We strive to offer you total support in the creation and scaling of your office. Our goal is to get you as focused as possible on the tasks that increase your office production and take the other tasks off your plate as much as possible.

I have a question not listed here?

Use this link to book an appointment with our CEO we are happy to answer any of your questions.